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Showing posts from February, 2020

Have you protected your daughter from cervical cancer with HPV vaccine?

                                                          60,000  The number of women who lose their lives to Cervical Cancer annually in India. That’s 1 woman lost every 9 minutes. Every woman, irrespective of socio-economic class is at risk of contracting HPV infection, and therefore at risk of getting Cervical Cancer subsequently. Ludhiana Hospital bathinda, punjab Provide vaccination for Cervical cancer.  How can you protect your daughter and yourself from Cervical Cancer? Vaccination and screening are the most effective ways to prevent Cervical Cancer.According to The Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI); primary prevention with HPV vaccine is strongly recommended and secondary prevention through screening should be started at 25 years of age. FOGSI a...

My child is getting stubborn day by day!

A common scene: "While you are shopping with your child, he stops in front of a shop and asks for an expensive toy. You try convincing him that he already has many. He refuses to listen, starts crying rolls over on the floor, you try to stop. You yell and shout at him but nothing seems to work. You finally buy the toy for him. Now he is happy!” Are all kids stubborn? Most kids are stubborn at times. This is considered normal in the first few years of life. However, if this behavior is persistent, then it calls for evaluation and introspection on part of the parents. What problems can arise due to their stubborn behavior? A pervasive stubborn and adamant attitude in children can lead to the following: Increased anxiety and stress in the family Child may lag behind in academics Child can develop an understanding that through his behavior, he can get his way always Will have difficulty adjusting in school and with friends May develop a d...